A Place 4 Me serves as the backbone of a community collaborative of organizations to prevent and youth homelessness in Cuyahoga County.
About the Membership
The A Place 4 Me Membership Collaborative is a group that collectively shapes the vision and strategy to end youth and young adult homelessness. Meetings are held quarterly, and organizations are able to send up to two (2) representatives.
Requirements and Responsibilities
The Membership Collaborative is responsible for carrying out the action steps in the strategic plan to end youth and young adult homelessness, called “Reaching for New Heights.” Its duties include informing and recruiting members and proposing nominees to serve on A Place 4 Me’s Board of Directors and as Executive Director.
Current Members
REACH Youth Action Board
Cuyahoga County Office of Homeless Services
Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services
Cuyahoga County Department of Health and Human Services
Emerald Development and Economic Network, Inc.
FrontLine Service
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry
YWCA Greater Cleveland
Cleveland Mediation Center
Project Lift Services
Akida Business Consulting
Towards Employment
Metanoia Project
Community of Hope
Enterprise Community Solutions
Cleveland Angels
Join the Membership
Membership in the Collaborative is open to any entity which has:
(a) A role in preventing and ending youth and young adult homelessness in Cuyahoga County;
(b) A commitment to youth leadership, collaboration and equity to achieve the collective mission and vision of the Corporation;
(c) Experience in and understanding of the systems that influence the housing stability of youth and young adults, as well as their ability to help other partners understand those systems; and
(d) Ability to influence outcomes within those systems.